Re: Is _your_ Netscape under remote control

der Mouse (mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU)
Sat, 25 May 1996 07:09:01 -0400

> Obviously, the *temporary solution* as stated on Netscape's page is
> to disable client access via xhost, however it bugs me that Netscape
> can be controlled remotely.

That's the price you pay for running binary-only commercial software,
you get what the software vendor chooses to give you.

> This ''feature'' by Netscap seems utterly pointless, since to have a
> web server control your netscape you would have to disable security
> (xhost +) or manually add the site to the access control list,
> assuming that the site is ''safe''.

Yeah, to have a web server control the browser, that's true.  I don't
think the intended client of this protocol is the web server; more
likely, it's intended for other local programs.

For example, one could use it to run canned demos by having a process
sitting around pushing netscape from page to page in a pre-scripted
manner, while netscape is positioned and sized so that nothing but the
page itself is visible on the screen (borders and buttons and such are
all off-screen).  Or one could use it as someone else already
suggested, so that you can click on a URL in an editor, or type it to a
command-line tool, and have netscape show it.  Or I'm sure there are
plenty of other things one could do with it.

It is a security problem, but not as large a one as some people seem to
feel.  Generally speaking, if your X display is open to a process, that
process can do anything - and thus for normal use you don't want to run
with your display open.  However, if a process can connect to a
display, it can't do anything that other clients on that display aren't
capable of.  This "feature" means that if you have a netscape running
on that display, you have now opened up the filesystem of the machine
netscape is running on.  (If there are no xterms or any other client
capable of shell access or writing to files, then the attacking client
can disrupt the X session but nothing more.)

                                        der Mouse